Monday, November 7, 2016

Rocky Mountain Arsenal & Cherry Creek Reservoir

November 6, 2016

Richard Stevens:

After receiving a report of a Burrowing Owl along the new self-driving tour through the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (Adams County), I went to investigate.  Unfortunately, the Burrowing Owl was not found.

Then I hiked the 4 mile round trip to the Rod and Gun Club Bird Blind.  Regrettably, nothing uncommon was found.

A walk along the western Lake Ladora trail found an interesting bird.  A Hermit Thrush was well hidden in the brush at the southwest corner.

Checks of the cattail marshes at the southeast corner of Lake Ladora and around Marys Lake did not find any Swamp Sparrows or other uncommon birds.

I stopped at the Cherry Creek Reservoir Lake Loop (Arapahoe) and scoped the lake.  On the first pass, two Surf Scoters were observed south of the swim beach, however in the middle of the lake.

On the third pass I loon was seen in the southeastern corner.  Frustration again, as the loon would stay under water for quite a long time and surface for less than a count of two. 

After twenty minutes or so, I was able to confirm that it was a Common Loon.   I never observed two loons at one time.  Yesterday, I had observed two Common Loons there.

A stakeout of the cattail field west of Lakeview Drive (the main road) and Cherry Creek did not turn up any Short-eared Owls this evening.

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