Instead of waiting a week for a bird trips to finish and getting reports, I will transcribe telephone reports of current bird trips. Amy Davenport
October 14, 2011
The CoBus group visited only four Walk In Areas in Sedgwick County today.
Their first stop was DePoorter Lake. Sparrows were numerous and included two Harris's Sparrows, a White-throated Sparrow, four Song Sparrows and many White-crowned Sparrows. The surprise bird was a late Dickcissel.
Ovid Woods and Sedgwick Bar Wildlife Area were quiet. No Northern Cardinals were found around town.
They found a Sprague's Pipit at WIA (CR 59 & 16). A dozen sparrows at WIA (CR 15 & 8) gave them fits. Two interesting sparrows were left unidentified. They acted like "ammodramus" sparrows, disappearing in grasses with short flights between, not allowing looks of any length.
A Red-bellied Woodpecker was at the Sedgwick Cemetery. It was watched flying south toward town.
The WIA at CR 32 & 11 is part of Sedgwick Draw. No Short-eared Owls showed up this afternoon.
After dark, the group joined Roger Danka and watched two Eastern Screech-Owls on his ranch.
October 14, 2011
The CoBus group visited only four Walk In Areas in Sedgwick County today.
Their first stop was DePoorter Lake. Sparrows were numerous and included two Harris's Sparrows, a White-throated Sparrow, four Song Sparrows and many White-crowned Sparrows. The surprise bird was a late Dickcissel.
Ovid Woods and Sedgwick Bar Wildlife Area were quiet. No Northern Cardinals were found around town.
They found a Sprague's Pipit at WIA (CR 59 & 16). A dozen sparrows at WIA (CR 15 & 8) gave them fits. Two interesting sparrows were left unidentified. They acted like "ammodramus" sparrows, disappearing in grasses with short flights between, not allowing looks of any length.
A Red-bellied Woodpecker was at the Sedgwick Cemetery. It was watched flying south toward town.
The WIA at CR 32 & 11 is part of Sedgwick Draw. No Short-eared Owls showed up this afternoon.
After dark, the group joined Roger Danka and watched two Eastern Screech-Owls on his ranch.
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