Saturday, October 8, 2011

Barr Lake State Park

October 8, 2011

Richard Stevens, Jerry Petrosky and I went to Barr Lake State Park after the rain slackened in the afternoon. What a day, rained most of the day and temperatures stayed around 39 degrees.

We did not come across as many sparrows as Richard found yesterday. Rain did not assist our birding.

The Field Sparrow was seen in the canal with a dozen White crowned Sparrows. The sparrows remained close to the bottom of the canal and moved back and forth at 30-40 yards southwest of the Visitor's Center.

The Harris's Sparrow was never found. It was too wet to hike out to the north end of the banding area spit. We also figured that the Duckweed where the Winter Wren was found yesterday was too wet to search for the wren.

Little was found at the banding area. A Hermit Thrush was under Russian Olive Trees at mile 6.8, which is below the dam.

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