Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gunnison Sage-Grouse and Owling!

October 23, 2011

Richard Stevens:

Bryan Ehlmann and I were up early this morning and drove Gunnison County Roads 38 & 38A. Two female Gunnison Sage-Grouse were found just north of the County Line (with Saguache).

Most of the day was spent stopped at three friend's ranches to catch up on what birds they have been seeing. One of my friends has Western Screech-Owls nesting on his property. Unfortunately, we could not find the owls today.

We scoped the east end of Blue Mesa (about the first 8-10 miles). One Common Loon and a California Gull were the highlights.

In the late afternoon, we hiked at the Miller Ranch Wildlife Area (Gunnison County). Four Gunnison Sage-Grouse were found. In winter, this is a good location to find them. On one trip two years ago, 11 birds were found hunkered down together.

We covered much of Monarch Pass physically and with "listening stations", however no owls were found. With so much undisturbed forest from Salida to Monarch Pass, there has to be owls nesting and living up there. Unfortunately, I have enjoyed little success over the years, in finding them.

The early morning hours were spent driving up Phantom Canyon Road (Fremont County). One Spotted Owl was heard (8 to 14 miles up the canyon; exact location will remain undisclosure to prevent disturbance to a rare owl).

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