Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rocky Mountain Arsenal and Cherry Creek Reservoir

October 18, 2011

Richard Stevens:

I was at Rocky Mountain Arsenal (Adams County) when they opened at 7:00 AM. Civil twilight had already started by then; this makes looking for Long-eared Owls flying around not promising. None was found this morning. The reason behind looking for flying Long-eared Owls is that the area they roost is off limits to visitors. In the past, I have been able to see them before civil twilight. Sometimes they will also call before daylight.

I circled Lake Ladora to Gun & Rod Club Pond to Havana Ponds (about a 6 mile loop). Unfortunately, high winds hampered finding passerines.

A Swamp Sparrow came out of the cattails at the southeast corner of Lake Ladora. A Cassin's Vireo was with a loose flock of Black-capped Chickadees (6), Yellow-rumped Warblers (2), White-breasted Nuthatches (2) and Chipping Sparrows (42+) in the cottonwoods at the northeast corner of Lake Ladora.

Rebecca Kosten and I spent the last two hours of daylight at Cherry Creek Reservoir (Arapahoe). The Red-throated Loon and 3 Surf Scoters were in the middle of the lake (along line between the swim beach and Lake Loop).

Bryan Ehlmann met me at sunset and we headed into the mountains. We wanted to beat predicted snowstorms to hit Cameron Pass later in the week.

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