Friday, November 4, 2011

Douglas and Arapahoe Counties

November 4, 2011

Richard Stevens:

This afternoon I stopped by Cherry Creek Reservoir (Arapahoe County). When I arrived, the Red-necked Grebe was swimming off the picnic area southeast of the swim beach. Thanks Bob Righter!

The Mew Gull (Beltz, 10/3) was not found off the southeastern sand spit. Next, I stopped at the Bird Observation Platform, Prairie Loop. The mudflats have temporarily disappeared due to the rising water from snowmelt.

I could not conjure up any sparrows. Many times in November, the cattails will catch a Swamp Sparrow. No Song Sparrows were around either.

Two Common Loons and a Pacific Loon could be seen from there. The loons were diving much and it took quite awhile to identify the Pacific Loon. No Red-throated Loon was found.

The Mew Gull was not found at the southwest marina either. However, hundreds of gulls were flying around the center of the lake. They could not all be identified.

This morning about 2 hours before sunrise, John Westin and I drove Sugar Creek Road (off Hwy 67). One Northern Pygmy-Owl was heard and seen about 0.4 miles off Hwy 67.

Later, we watched the woods northeast of Highway 67 and Rampart Range Road. One male American Three-toed Woodpecker flew within 10 yards of hwy 67.

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