Friday, June 16, 2017

Return to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal

June 15, 2017

Richard Stevens:

Spent most of the day doing chores but found time to drive over to Rocky Mountain Arsenal (Adams County) in the afternoon.  Temperatures were around 89 degrees at 4:00 pm.  Winds were 6-7 mph.

I parked just west of Second Creek & 64th Avenue for two hours.  At 5:30 pm, the adult Red-headed Woodpecker came to the large cottonwood that is between Second Creek and the grove of dead trees to the west.

Later I walked around the canopy of trees north of 64th Avenue and Chambers Road.  The Yellow-billed Cuckoo that Rebecca and I found on Wednesday could not be relocated.  The Red-headed Woodpecker found Wednesday just north of the grove was also absent.

I did not drive into the wildlife area that is a one way drive, instead went over to the First Creek Trail (outside the eastern side of the Arsenal).

The adult and five young Barn Owls are still there.  I did not detect their advancing age (from my visit of four days ago).

A Great Horned Owl called from the cottonwoods between the First Creek Trail and the parking area at 56th Avenue & Buckley Road.

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