Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Return to Arapahoe County Reservoirs

December 23, 2014

 Richard Stevens:

I stopped by Arapahoe County reservoirs while out during chores.  Winds made putting up a scope quite difficult.

At Cherry Creek Reservoir, a Glaucous Gull stood on an ice shelf at the southern side of the lake.  Winds were steady at 14 mph, gusts to 23 mph.  The only ducks close enough to shore to identify were Common Goldeneyes and American Coots.

At Aurora Reservoir, a Lesser Black-backed Gull stood with 200+ Ring-billed Gulls at the swim beach.  Anemometer reading was steady at 24 mph, gusts to 39 mph.  Scoping the lake was impossible.
December 23, 2014

I stopped by Arapahoe County reservoirs while out during chores.  Winds made putting up a scope quite difficult.

At Cherry Creek Reservoir, a Glaucous Gull stood on an ice shelf at the southern side of the lake.  Winds were steady at 14 mph, gusts to 23 mph.  The only ducks close enough to shore to identify were Common Goldeneyes and American Coots.

At Aurora Reservoir, a Lesser Black-backed Gull stood with 200+ Ring-billed Gulls at the swim beach.  Anemometer reading was steady at 24 mph, gusts to 39 mph.  Scoping the lake was impossible.

I stopped by Arapahoe County reservoirs while out during chores.  Winds made putting up a scope quite difficult.

At Cherry Creek Reservoir, a Glaucous Gull stood on an ice shelf at the southern side of the lake.  Winds were steady at 14 mph, gusts to 23 mph.  The only ducks close enough to shore to identify were Common Goldeneyes and American Coots.

At Aurora Reservoir, a Lesser Black-backed Gull stood with 200+ Ring-billed Gulls at the swim beach.  Anemometer reading was steady at 24 mph, gusts to 39 mph.  Scoping the lake was impossible.

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