It has been decided that instead of waiting a week for a grouse trip to finish and getting reports, I will transcribe telephone reports of current grouse trips. I will do my best. Amy Davenport
May 20, 2011
The CoBus group started by watching seven Lesser Prairie-Chickens at the eastern lek outside of Elkhart, Kansas. Vesper Sparrows, Cassin's Sparrows and Lark Buntings were seen on the road out of the lek.
Once back in Colorado, they went back to Cottonwood Canyon in Baca County. They again missed relocating the Painted Bunting. A male Lazuli Bunting sang constantly in the general area of the Painted Bunting sighting, 1.2 miles east of the primitive camping area at Carrizo Creek.
Bewick's Wrens, Canyon Towhees, Eastern Phoebes, Rufous-crowned Sparrows, Yellow-billed Cuckoos, and two Lewis's Woodpeckers were found.
The word for the day was "wind". At Springfield, winds 14 mph w/gusts to 22; at Lamar 15 mph winds w/gusts to 28; at Burlington 16 mph w/ gusts to 32.
In spite of the wind, they enjoyed a good day. At Two Buttes Reservoir in Baca County: Black-throated Green Warbler, Veery, Brown Thrashers, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Wild Turkeys, Spotted Towhees, Turkey Vultures, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Plumbeous Vireo, and Bullock's Orioles.
At Lamar Community College, birds included a male Northern Cardinal. Chimney Swifts and a Mississippi Kite flew overhead.
At Tempel Grove in Bent County: Black-throated Blue Warbler and Veery. Yesterday's Golden-winged Warbler was not relocated.
Birding was "excellent" at Bonny Reservoir: At Hopper Ponds they found a Magnolia Warbler and Bell's Vireo. An Alder Flycatcher called briefly between Hopper Ponds the and east end of the lake. A Great Crested Flycatcher sang between Hopper Ponds and highway 385.
Winds picked up at sunset. No Common Poorwills or Eastern Screech-Owls were heard at Hale Ponds or the east end of the State Park. One Long-eared Owl was found sitting on a nest!
May 20, 2011
The CoBus group started by watching seven Lesser Prairie-Chickens at the eastern lek outside of Elkhart, Kansas. Vesper Sparrows, Cassin's Sparrows and Lark Buntings were seen on the road out of the lek.
Once back in Colorado, they went back to Cottonwood Canyon in Baca County. They again missed relocating the Painted Bunting. A male Lazuli Bunting sang constantly in the general area of the Painted Bunting sighting, 1.2 miles east of the primitive camping area at Carrizo Creek.
Bewick's Wrens, Canyon Towhees, Eastern Phoebes, Rufous-crowned Sparrows, Yellow-billed Cuckoos, and two Lewis's Woodpeckers were found.
The word for the day was "wind". At Springfield, winds 14 mph w/gusts to 22; at Lamar 15 mph winds w/gusts to 28; at Burlington 16 mph w/ gusts to 32.
In spite of the wind, they enjoyed a good day. At Two Buttes Reservoir in Baca County: Black-throated Green Warbler, Veery, Brown Thrashers, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Wild Turkeys, Spotted Towhees, Turkey Vultures, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Plumbeous Vireo, and Bullock's Orioles.
At Lamar Community College, birds included a male Northern Cardinal. Chimney Swifts and a Mississippi Kite flew overhead.
At Tempel Grove in Bent County: Black-throated Blue Warbler and Veery. Yesterday's Golden-winged Warbler was not relocated.
Birding was "excellent" at Bonny Reservoir: At Hopper Ponds they found a Magnolia Warbler and Bell's Vireo. An Alder Flycatcher called briefly between Hopper Ponds the and east end of the lake. A Great Crested Flycatcher sang between Hopper Ponds and highway 385.
Winds picked up at sunset. No Common Poorwills or Eastern Screech-Owls were heard at Hale Ponds or the east end of the State Park. One Long-eared Owl was found sitting on a nest!
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