Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kansas to Yuma County

March 21, 2009

Richard Stevens:

Before sunrise, Allyson Marceau and I sat at the eastern Lesser Prairie-Chicken outside of Elkhart, Kansas. Sixteen (11 males, 5 females) Lesser Prairie-Chickens put on quite a show for us. A check of the western lek did not find any birds, but perhaps they had already departed?

Few birds moved about Two Buttes Reservoir (Baca County, Colorado). We did find a lone Grasshopper Sparrow and a couple of Common Ravens.

Few birds were found at Lamar Community College. It appeared to be too early for Mississippi Kites and Chimney Swifts.

Sheridan Lake had no water and birds. We observed two Great-tailed Grackles at the first house south of I70 and along Highway 385 (traditional location).

We did not take the time to visit Bonny Reservoir and instead continued north to Wray. Driving toward the Yuma County Road 45 lek we found two groups of Greater Prairie-Chickens (a group of 6, another of 3). At the lek itself we watched another 7+ Greater Prairie-Chickens dance.

Notice: You can see the Greater Prairie-Chickens and under good light pick out the reddish air sacks. However the birds are quite far away.

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