Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Search for Arapahoe County Jaeger

September 26, 2007

I thought I would try another search for the Jaeger that has been around Arapahoe County lately. My first stop was Cherry Creek Reservoir. No jaeger, I did see an interesting shorebird in the southeastern corner.

This started a chain of events which ended with me sinking in mud almost to my kneecaps. I tried to get closer to the shorebird by cutting through the cattails at the southeast corner of the reservoir. Mistake, high water levels and a quick shrinking produced some nasty soft muddy areas.

While on this quest, I observed a Golden-crowned Kinglet. Only the second one I have ever recorded at Cherry Creek Reservoir. While trying to get close enough for a photo, a Nashville Warbler popped up from below a small thicket between two cattail fields! Almost made having to change shoes and clothes once I returned to my car, worthwhile.

Next I drove east to Aurora Reservoir (with a quick stop at Quincy Reservoir to see no jaeger there). There were no jaegers and most of the gulls were flying around the southeast corner which requires a 2+ mile hike to see (and which I skipped).

In the dwindling daylight, I drove out on the plains east of Aurora Reservoir and looked unsuccessfully for Short-eared Owls.

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