Saturday, February 27, 2016

Genesee Mountain Park, Barr Lake & DIA Owl Loop

February 27, 2016

Richard Stevens:

Temperatures reached 70 degrees today.  Winds were strong at 12 mph, gusts to 20 mph.

I drove over to Genesee Mountain Park (Jefferson County).  Target birds included Williamson's Sapsuckers.  However, my early day is 3/20; I did not expect to find one (and did not).

A flock of six male and four female Red Crossbills was south of the group picnic area parking lot.  All three nuthatches were eventually encountered.  Both Mountain & Black-capped Chickadees were present.

A pair of Hairy Woodpeckers, 4 Downy Woodpeckers and a flock of Pine Siskins were also observed.

Next, I enjoyed the day while watching hundreds of gulls flying around Barr Lake (Adams).  No uncommon gulls were among the many Ring-billed Gulls.

Hundreds of Common Mergansers, a dozen Red-breasted Mergansers, dozens of American Coots, hundreds of Northern Shovelers, dozens of Common Goldeneyes and a few Lesser Scaup filled the lake.

Highlight was relocating the Common Loon I first found on 2/20.  The loon was still in the southwest quadrant of the lake.

A drive around the DIA Owl Loop did not find any Short-eared Owls this evening. 

The lone Burrowing Owl is still at the southwest corner of Trussville Road & 114th Avenue (Denver County).  Today is was inside the chain link fence.  I parked near the sign for the Denver Water Company and looked back downhill to the southeast.

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