Sunday, June 23, 2013

Birding Around Gunnison

June 21, 2013

Rebecca Kosten: transcript of telephone call:

Richard Stevens and Bryan Ehlmann started their birding day with a drive down Gunnison County Road 38.  An adult female and at least three young Gunnison Sage-Grouse were found north of the junction with County Road 38A in Gunnison County.

They continued into Saguache County, found no additional grouse.  A few Mountain Bluebirds flew around the sage and sand covered hills.

A hike up the Neversink Trail, west of Gunnison found a Least Flycatcher, Veery, gray race Fox Sparrow, and MacGillivray's Warbler.  Least Flycatcher have nested here in past years.  They could not confirm breeding.

Several private ranches were visited in the late afternoon with various results.  A Yellow-billed Cuckoo was found at one of two ranches they were found in 2011.  None was found in 2012.

Western Screech-Owls were missed at both ranches where they were recorded in past years.

Winds were high and they skipped setting up their "owl listening stations" (see "Colorado Field Notes").

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