It has been decided that instead of waiting a week for a grouse trip to finish and getting reports, I will transcribe telephone reports of current grouse trips. I will do my best. Amy Davenport
April 22, 2011
Bryan Ehlmann and Richard Stevens went East in search of Baird's Sparrows. Unfortunately, they did not find any today.
At Last Chance Rest Stop in Washington County, they found a Black-throated Gray Warbler, Lincoln's Sparrow and Common Yellowthroat.
They missed the Summer Tanager at the Wray City Park in Yuma County. A Broad-winged Hawk was there.
While they could not find the resident Barn Owl at the Wray Fishing Unit, they did find a White-eyed Vireo in the evergreen windbreak.
Many sparrows, mostly White-crowned and Song were found at Sandsage Wildlife Area. One White-throated Sparrow was also seen. An Eastern Phoebe was along the eastern fence.
At dusk, they found seven Greater Prairie-Chickens displaying at a private ranch south of Yuma.
April 22, 2011
Bryan Ehlmann and Richard Stevens went East in search of Baird's Sparrows. Unfortunately, they did not find any today.
At Last Chance Rest Stop in Washington County, they found a Black-throated Gray Warbler, Lincoln's Sparrow and Common Yellowthroat.
They missed the Summer Tanager at the Wray City Park in Yuma County. A Broad-winged Hawk was there.
While they could not find the resident Barn Owl at the Wray Fishing Unit, they did find a White-eyed Vireo in the evergreen windbreak.
Many sparrows, mostly White-crowned and Song were found at Sandsage Wildlife Area. One White-throated Sparrow was also seen. An Eastern Phoebe was along the eastern fence.
At dusk, they found seven Greater Prairie-Chickens displaying at a private ranch south of Yuma.
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