Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Looking for Geese around DIA

December 2, 2007

Spent most of the day working on chores around the house. We did manage to get out for a bite of dinner in the late afternoon. Of course, we had to look for a few birds, so we took a walk around LakeCrest.

Thousands of geese were on the lake. At least 5000+ Canada Geese. We could pick out at least half a dozen Cackling Geese also. Two white Snow Geese and one beautiful "blue" Snow Goose swam with them.

At nearby Emerald Strand Park (across the street from the eastern end of LakeCrest, another 6000+ Canada Geese were on the small pond and field to the north. We were amazed that geese kept flying in; there did not seem any space for more geese on the pond. One Ross's Goose stood out from the horde of Canada Geese.

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