Monday, August 27, 2007

Birding Around Castlewood Canyon State Park

August 27, 2007

Early this morning Gary Zeeto and I went down to Castlewood Canyon State Park. We listened for owls (especially Northern Saw-whet Owls) before sunrise at the park and surrounding neighborhoods; without success.

After sunrise, we drove south on Castlewood Canyon Road. A Wild Turkey was again feeding on the south hill (where Castlewood Canyon Road runs from west to east just outside of the park). Half a dozen Western Bluebirds were on the telephone wires here.

We heard a Dickcissel singing from somewhere in the alfalfa fields on the Winkler Ranch. We did not see the bird however.

From what I heard, bird numbers were down considerably. We did find a Western Flycatcher (no Willow, Dusky, or possible Alder). Sparrows included Vesper, Lark, and 2 Savannah Sparrows. Other birds observed included: Turkey Vulture, Golden Eagle, Red-tailed Hawk, Swainson's Hawk, Mountain Bluebird, Spotted Towhee, Gray Catbird, and a Common Yellowthroat.

No blackbirds at all were around? We expected Bobolink to be gone, but where are the Red-winged Blackbirds?

We stopped briefly at Parker Regional Park on the way back to Denver. Two Black Terns flew over the pond about 0.2 miles west of the parking area. Not much else was around.

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