Friday, December 28, 2018

Fifteenth CoBus Tamarack Ranch Christmas Count

December 20, 2018   

Richard Stevens:

High temperature was 45 degrees today.  Winds were 8-15 mph with gusts to 22 mph.

The fifteenth CoBus Christmas Count at Tamarack Ranch Wildlife Area (Logan) was held today.  The count circle extends to Red Lion Wildlife Area (Logan) and Jumbo Reservoir (Logan/Sedgwick).

Six birders and five feeder watchers participated.  The Count will be summarized in a future "Colorado Field Notes".

Terry Michaels and I counted at Tamarack Ranch Wildlife Area proper.  It was a pleasant winter day.  Unfortunately, birds were scarce.

We did find two Eastern Screech-Owls before sunrise.  

The highlight of the day would be an American Woodcock on private land along the South Platte River.  The news spread by radios and everyone was able to get a look at the bird!

Then Terry and I walked the 6.5 miles from Hwy 55 (CR 81) to CR 93.

Eventually five Red-bellied Woodpeckers were observed.  One in western sections, two from the hwy 55 bridge and two in eastern sections.

Two Field Sparrows were found in the windbreak at section 7 East.  A Northern Cardinal was around the old Tamarack Pond area.

The few additional interesting birds included two Golden Eagles, six Lapland Longspurs and an unidentified wren.  Terry and I disagreed on size and tail length and the wren was left a mystery find "wren species".

I will leave the count total to others.

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