Sunday, January 7, 2018

Successful Search for Pine Warbler and Yellow-billed Loon

January 6, 2017

Richard Stevens:

Another fantastic warm winter day in Colorado, the temperature reached 57 degrees with winds 4-8 mph.

On the way to South Platte Park Reservoir, I made a quick stop at Dahlia Hollow Park (Arapahoe).  Sometimes easy sightings do happen.  I found the Pine Warbler in about 2 minutes.  The warbler was in cottonwoods just west of the first footbridge west of the entrance.

I put photos of the Pine Warbler and one of the many Cedar Waxwings in the Park on the Colorado Birding Society's photo library: 

The Hermit Thrush and White-throated Sparrow did not appear in the 20 minutes I waited; therefore, I took off for South Platte Park Reservoir.

The Yellow-billed Loon was swimming along the dam at the eastern side of the reservoir (Arapahoe).  It was too far away for a decent photo.

Next, I drove to the eastern parking area and walked along the South Platte Park from C470 to the Carson Nature Center (north of Mineral Avenue).

A pair of Greater Scaup swam in the Platte, just north of C470.  The previously reported female Barrow's Goldeneye was not found.

Another highlight was a Swamp Sparrow in the cattails near the blind at the Pond just south of Mineral Avenue (cannot remember the name of the pond).

After sunset, I walked the Highline Canal from Quincy Avenue to East Belleview and back.  One Eastern Screech-Owl was heard!

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