Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fantastic Trip Back to Denver

July 9, 2012

My afternoon was fantastic.  I had to return to Denver to lead a couple of bird trips Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Bryan & Sue Ehlmann and Rebecca stayed in Gunnison County for bird counts.

Amy Davenport sent me a text message about an Acorn Woodpecker along Platte River Road. Timing is everything. When I arrived at the yard, the Acorn Woodpecker was flying across Platte River Road.

I continued toward home and since I passed 88th avenue at I76 made the detour to Colorado Blvd. When I walked north up the Platte River Trail, the Little Blue Heron was along the north shore at the southeast corner of Coley Lake.

Again, timing is everything. I took about 6 photos before a Great Blue Heron flew over and scared the Little Blue Heron. The Little Blue flew to the south shore where it could not be seen from the trail. If I had arrived 6 minutes later, I would not have seen the bird. Later the Little Blue Heron flew to the "island" in the southeast middle of the lake. An American White Pelican flew to the island and scared the Little Blue Heron out of sight back in the southeast corner.

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