Sunday, May 13, 2012

Weld & Adams County Birding

May 11, 2012

Richard Stevens:

Bryan Ehlmann and I birded Banner Lakes Wildlife Area (Weld) at first light.  The windbreak along the southern ponds was quite interesting.

Highlights were a male Northern Parula, male Summer Tanager (all red) and a Least Flycatcher!  The usual waterfowl American Coots and other ducks wandered from the northern ponds (access closed until July 15).

Next, we visited a nearby friend's ranch.  He has Mountain Plover on his ranch.  They are possibly nesting and we want to keep an eye on them.  A Palm Warbler fluttered about the windbreak on his ranch.  He hears Common Poorwill at dusk; we could not find any.  Are they also nesting here or just in migration.

Burrowing Owls were found at Weld 24.5 and 75.5!

Later we searched unsuccessfully for the Summer Tanager reported yesterday at Barr Lake (Adams).  Birds seen included: Bullock's Oriole, Eastern Kingbird, Western Kingbird, Western Wood-pewee, House Wrens, Yellow Warbler and Hammond's Flycatcher.

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