Monday, June 14, 2010

Parulas in Boulder County

June 13, 2010

Richard Stevens:

This afternoon Rebecca Kosten and I drove north to Boulder to search for parulas.

When we arrive at the Farmers Ditch and Iris Avenue, the Northern Parula was singing in the yard north of Iris. If flew across the road several times (north to south, south to north, again north to south). When we left, it was deep in the locust trees south of Iris!

We headed down to Doudy Draw and hiked south to the restroom area. We did not find the Northern Parula spotted yesterday in this area.

The most numerous and by far the noisiest birds were the dozen or so Yellow-breasted Chats. They seemed to singing everywhere.

A couple of Spotted Towhees were around the picnic area. We caught sight of a Peregrine Falcon zooming by overhead. A sudden rainstorm cut our search for a second Parula short.

Nine Burrowing Owls were found along the DIA Owl Loop on our trip home.

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