Friday, May 28, 2010

A Windy Day at Barr Lake

May 28, 2010

Richard Stevens:

I returned for a couple of hours to Barr Lake (Adams County). I hoped to relocate the possible Alder Flycatcher observed yesterday around the banding station; without success.

There were half a dozen Western Wood-pewees between the banding station and mile marker 8.0. Two of them sang Western Wood-pewee songs. One possible Eastern Wood-Pewee (first observed yesterday) did not call and was left unidentified.

Plenty of the summer regular birds were around; nothing uncommon.

In the late afternoon, Rebecca and I walked the east side of Rocky Mountain Arsenal again (Buckley Road between 56th and 88th avenue). Winds were 18+ mph with gusts to 25 mph. Needless to say, this kept bird sightings to a minimum.

A few Vesper, Chipping and Song Sparrows were just about all the birds moving around. The Burrowing Owl count was a low 5 birds. Raptor count was 1 Ferruginous Hawk, 2 Red-tailed Hawks and 2 American Kestrels.

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