Friday, May 28, 2010

Birding In Boulder County

May 20, 2010

Bryan Ehlmann:

Richard Stevens and I left Denver at 2:00 am. We planned a day of searching for birds in Boulder County.

Our owling went well. We found Long eared Owls at two locations and Eastern Screech Owls at two locations. The location we can mention was hearing an Eastern Screech-Owl at Walden Ponds.

Shortly after civil twilight, about 5:15 AM, we found the Little Blue Heron feeding at Cottonwood Marsh, Walden Ponds. We thought that it would be at the northwest corner, but this was not the case.

Later a Red-eyed Vireo was found near the outlet along Boulder Creek; west of 75th street.

The Northern Parula was not found at the South Mesa Trail. Then we hiked up the Eldorado Mountain Open Space Trail where a Hooded Warbler and Three-toed Woodpecker were found last year. Neither was seen but a Red eyed Vireo was 400 yards south of the trailhead; west of the Eldorado Springs post office.

Less successful searches included Pella Crossing Park, North Teller Lake, Gregory Canyon.

We returned to the South Mesa Trail, again no Parula but we did find two Bushtits north of the bridge. A Northern Parula was found up the Doudy Draw trail; first grove of trees, west of the trail and south of the parking lot. This most likely is the South Mesa Trail Parula.

No additional owls were heard at dusk around the South Mesa/Doudy Draw area.

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