Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Some Mountain Birding

January 10-12, 2009

Gary Weston: We spent the last 3 and a half days in the mountains. Monday four of us went on the CoBus trip to Loveland Pass. We were dropped off at the summit and snow shoed down the south side twice. Our final Ptarmigan count was 13!

Yesterday, we had a trip up to Grand County. About 40+ Rosy Finches were found flying around the north end of Kremmling. Our plan was to snowshoe up to A.M. Bailey Bird Sanctuary, but snow blocked roads did not allow access.

We found Rosy Finches flying around Breckenridge on three occasions this week. No where in particular and not at any feeders. Owling was a bust too. We searched south of Breckenridge on Monday and south down to Quandary Peak last night. Not a peep or hoot to be heard anywhere.

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