Saturday, January 17, 2009

Return to Reynolds Park

January 15, 2009

Richard Stevens:

Steve Hsu and I birded Reynolds Park today. Again a Northern Pygmy-Owl was calling when we arrived at the western parking area!

We hiked east along the Elkhorn and Songbird trails and I relocated the Northern Pygmy-Owl(s) that were first discovered on 1/8. This maybe a nesting pair and location is not going to be disclosed.

Next we hiked up the Oxen Draw Trail and relocated a female American Three-toed Woodpecker about 10 yards east of the Eagle's View and Oxen Draw intersection. We continued up the Eagle's View trail but were unable to find any Dusky Grouse today.

Other birds observed along the trek included: 3 species of nuthatches, Pine Siskins, Mountain Chickadees, Black-capped Chickadees, and one Brown Creeper.

We stopped at Mt Falcon Park (Jefferson) on the return trip to Denver. No Dusky Grouse were found here either. A good place to check is around the old castle and 50 yards farther east to a bench along the trail.

We did count 7 Townsend's Solitaires and a flock of 8 Red Crossbills.

Our final stop was at South Platte Reservoir to look at the Dunlin along the S. Platte River at 100 yards south of the C470 bridge.

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