December 2-5, 2019
Richard Stevens:
December 2
Rebecca and I drove to Cameron Pass and the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center (Jackson County). Nothing uncommon was found at the Visitor's Center. After dark, a Boreal Owl called from west of the Pass's Summit.
December 3
High was 39 degrees west of Cameron Pass. Winds were a whooping 23-24 mph with a few gusts reaching 29 mph. Owling under these conditions was (is) a bust.
We checked the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center this morning. A lone Gray-crowned Rosy Finch was observed. Among other birds seen were a Clark's Nutcracker and Canada Jays.
On the way to the Colorado State Forest, we walked hwy 14 near Ranger Lakes. A drumming male American Three-toed Woodpecker made the stop worthwhile.
Then we explored the main road in the Colorado State Forest and did a little cross-country skiing. Nothing noteworthy was found.
Two hundred and fifty Rosy Finches (66 percent Gray-crowned Rosy, 33.9 percent Brown-capped and a few Black) entertained us at a friend's ranch. Other birds stopping by included Pine Grosbeaks, Pine Siskins and a pair of Clark's Nutcrackers.
At sunset, we skied down to the Crags Campgrounds. No Dusky Grouse or additional Boreal Owls were found.
December 4
It warmed up to 43 degrees today. Winds 14-15 mph with gusts to 22 mph.
Rebecca and I drove Jackson County Road 26 an hour before sunrise. Our early rising was rewarded with a Greater Sage-Grouse sighting (northwest of CR 26b).
A drive along the streets of Walden did not find any Rosy Finches. We visited another friend's ranch this time west of Walden. They had a flock of about 100 Rosy Finches visit most days. Unfortunately, the Rosy Finches did not visit during our stay.
Walden Reservoir was snow covered. The few birds around were American Crows.
December 5
It was relatively warm this morning at 34 degrees. Anomometer readings were 6-7 mph. However, snowstorms were in the forecast; we got out of there.
We checked behind the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center, again found only one Gray-crowned Rosy Finch, and then headed for home. An American Three-toed Woodpecker could be heard drumming north of hwy 14 across from the Visitor's Center.
Stops at Joe Wright Reservoir and the Zimmerman Lake Loop Trail parking areas did not find any uncommon birds.
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