June 6, 2018
Temperatures later in the day at Lamar were 103 degrees. Who knew yesterday was the "cool" day. Winds were 13-14 mph with many gusts to 33 mph. Birding was almost non-existent as we drove south to Cottonwood Canyon.
At first light, we stopped to see if any Greater Prairie-Chickens were still dancing on the Yuma County Road 45 Lek. None was found.
Stops at Lamar Community College (Prowers) and Two Buttes Reservoir (Baca) found no uncommon birds. Four Mississippi Kites rested from the heat at Lamar Community College. Two Wild Turkey roosted in the trees at the east end of Two Buttes Reservoir.
We relocated two Rufous-crowned Sparrows and two Eastern Phoebes at Cottonwood Canyon (Baca). After dark, a Western Screech-Owl called without provocation south of the Campgrounds along Carrizo Creek.
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