Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Search For Some Nesting Birds on the Plains

July 2, 2013

Richard Stevens:

Today, I took my new Missouri birder friends to a private ranch in Weld County.  The Long-eared Owls on my friend's ranch successfully fledged at least two young!  All got good looks at one of the adult owls!

We also relocated one of the Mountain Plovers that nested on his property.  They had at least one young, which could have been with the other parent that was not relocated.

I am reminded that Mountain Plover females lay several clutches.  The male will incubate the first clutch while the female takes care of a second (which is usually laid 11-13 days after the first).   No way to tell if the adult we saw was a male or female.

The south side of Banner Lakes Wildlife Area was slow today.  The north side is still closed until July 15th (a pair of Long-eared Owls have nested here, however the lack of access prevents a status report).

Prospect Valley had plenty of Eurasian Collared-Doves (over 60) and a Peregrine Falcon (perhaps looking for a meal of Eurasian Collared-Doves, one can hope).  It is difficult to remember that we once drove 320 miles round trip to see a Eurasian Collared-Dove (they are everywhere now, including the pair nesting in my yard).

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