Saturday, July 28, 2007

Uncompaghre Plateau, Mesa County

Friday July 20, 2007

We explored the Uncompahgre Plateau today. We checked several owl boxes where Northern Saw-whet Owls had nested in previous years. The boxes were unused and in bad repair.

Two Grace's Warblers responded to our playbacks near Carson’s Hole. We managed to follow one and confirm breeding (carrying food back to a nest (branch off the top of a Douglas Fir).

Around the Telephone Trail we found Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers, Red-naped Sapsuckers, Yellow-rumped Warblers, and a Hermit Thrush. Near dusk we heard a Swainson's Thrush (again never being able to locate it).

Owling around the Telephone Trail was quite good. One Flammulated Owl perched on a branch perhaps 12 over our heads. Two others called from the west side of the road. Deeper down the trail, we found (heard only) a Boreal Owl.

We then drove down the road and made 16 stops finding Boreal Owls at 3 of those stops. One stop most likely had two Boreal Owls calling back to us.

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