Sunday, May 27, 2007

Cherry Creek Reservoir May 24, 2007

I did not get back to Denver until just before sunrise. After a few hours of sleep, we headed over to Cherry Creek Reservoir (Arapahoe) where Kroodsma had reported a Rose-breasted Grosbeak in the early morning. I played a tape and the Rose-breasted Grosbeak answered in about 20 seconds. He later came out of the woods at the northeast corner (east of where Cherry Creek runs under the main road; at the western end of the 12 mile group picnic area).

Jerry Petrosky joined me and we also found a male MacGillivray's Warbler, 9 Yellow Warblers, an Orange-crowned Warbler, and Cinnamon Teal in the woods. Several Broad-tailed Hummingbirds were also flying around the willows on the north side of the main road.

Later we walked down to the 12 mile beaver pond. Here I was able to get a Wilson's Snipe, Sora, and 2 Virginia Rails to answer to playback tapes.

The male Black-chinned Hummingbird was again found east of the Ranger’s Office.

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